Among the current changes, there are four that will have permanent effect on the relations between “big” and “small” EU countries. First, as part of the draft amendments to the Directive on capital requirements, harder rules and procedures are required for international cooperation of banking supervisors in crisis. Second, strengthening of deposit insurance system with regard to insured deposit sums, insured funding sources items, and the mandate of deposit insurance institutions. It seems that the insurance systems will be the sole elements of financial stability architecture and its principal features for some time will not be subject to integration and convergence at the EU level. Third, Croatia will have to take account of the need to form fiscal sources for the financial stability which will again bring forward the requirement for flexible anti-cyclic fiscal policy. Fourth, opening of a credit facility for the Hungarian Central Bank by ECB in an amount of EUR 5 billion is a historical event and its sum and speed of approval speaks of a significant element of financial security provided by the EU to its member states that are not members of Eurozone yet.
